I would have never believed you if you told me I could read a book in a day, I'm a fast reader but not that fast. I see some people reading almost 70 books a month and I can't believe it (I'm actually a little sceptical - surely you can't digest the information that fast?). But, I do actually have a few books that I would say are easy to read in one go. Surprise, surprise most of them are romcoms, but there is a thrillers thrown in for good measure!
The Hating Game - Sally Thorne

If you follow me over on instagram this will not come as a surprise. I talk about this book all the time and I always reference back to it when I'm reading a romcom. Everything has to live up to this book! I loved it, the characters are really likeable and the slow burn makes you want to carry on reading. Definitely one you wont want to put down. P.S - this has now been turned into a film which is almost as good as the book!
The Silent Patient - Alex Michaelides

This was one of the first books I read because bookstagram told me to and I am so glad I did. I absolutely loved it, there were twists and turns I could have never guessed. I did read this during lockdown, so I had plenty of time to read a book in a day but if anything was going to pull you in this would be it!
The Flatshare - Beth O'Leary

I said all romcoms have to live up to The Hating Game but this one is the OG. I wasn't into romcoms before bookstagram, I thought they were cringy and cliche. And lets be honest, a lot of romcoms are! But I loved this one, it got me back into reading romcoms and because of that I'll always recommend it!
99% Mine - Sally Thorne

Another Sally Thorne book. If you've ever read any of Thorne's work this wont be a surprise to you, Thorne is an excellent writer who creates gorgeous characters and relationships. I actually read this in a few hours before work and then a few hours after work one Friday (wild Friday night over here!). I couldn't put it down, so much so I didn't read it on my lunch break because I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate all afternoon. It's definitely a contender for the top spot!
Just Haven't Met You Yet - Sophie Cousens

I hope this has inspired you, even of you're not one for reading a book in a day they're also great books to pull you out of a reading slump!